
Mobile Information Systems

This is a graduate course in mobile information systems. This course was initially held at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in the summer semester 2015 for M.Sc. students in the Computer Science and Media degree. Prerequisites are a bachelor’s degree in computer science and good programming skills (theoretical as well as practical) in Java.

Some material was contributed by Prof. Dr. Matthias Kranz (University of Passau), Prof. Dr. Andreas Butz & Dr. Julie Wagner (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich) - thanks! Note also that I have updated the materials several times during the last couple of years, as mobile development had been a quite active field until about 2020 - I’d say it’s slowed down considerably since then.

The course currently spans 12 (usually weekly) sessions with the following topics:

  • Introduction & Basics
  • Big Issues
  • Networks & Location
  • I/O on Small Screens Part 1
  • I/O on Small Screens Part 2
  • Usage Context
  • Privacy & Security
  • UbiComp & IoT
  • Augmented Reality
  • Android Internals
  • Case Studies
  • Mobile Algorithms

The course is accompanied by an Android-based exercise class every two weeks. As the exercise materials are part of the graded course assignments, I’m currently not including them in this public release.