


@julian @encyclia excellent idea, can't wait for it to go live 👏


@blitter definitely something involving Finns and vodka, not yet sure about the rest 🤔


@whitequark lol, that's... unexpected 🤣


Right now, Aalborg University is very much a Microsoft shop. Most of the academic staff use Macs (or , like your friendly neighbourhood nerd here), but the whole administration and backend is on , , & friends.

I do wonder whether it would be time to at least _consider_ alternatives such as , , etc.


Seriously, try to read the PDF, it's a wild ride 😮 Incoherent ranting about secret societies, software engineering, academic conspiracies, you name it.

The author of this... document... is a certain Francisco V. C. Ficarra. And if you look at the homepage of Blue Herons Editions (blueherons.net/), then a "Miguel C. Ficarra" shows up as co-editor on a couple of their handbooks. I'm starting to wonder if this is all a one-man paper mill?


It's getting better and better: "Gardunia Factor for the Incessantt (sic!) Annihilation of International Conferences, Workshops, Symposiums and Scientific Working Groups"

Whatever Markov process is generating this CfP word salad is definitely a fan of the "Gardunia Factor". I've never heard this term before and googled a bit, and could find exactly two references: Wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gardu%C3) and this absolute gem: researchgate.net/publication/3 .



@azonenberg @whitequark Not that I would be able to do anything useful with that, but the skyline of Seattle should be pretty well-defined, no? Couldn't I generate a reference image with Google Earth or MS Flight Simulator?


@tokyo_0 @soop seems like a great opportunity to put this into a Firefox extension? Or maybe that even exists already?


@EricAlper Judging if the modem connection is good, based on whether the handshake screeching sounds off. 🤷


@abulling Dune 1 & 2, IMHO sehr zu empfehlen 👌


Not long now until the entire school curriculum in the US is just Bible Studies and Russian. 😑


Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom (Netflix, 2023).

Well that was some cheesy shit. 😑

(Right in the gap between "tolerable" and "so bad it's good again".)



Today in : trying to salvage a power bank that got soaked in yoghurt 🤢


@goncalor very good point - apparently, there are some relevant bits here: hackaday.io/project/176931-hp-

(but still a long way from a working printer, though)


TIL that HP 304 and HP 305 ink cartridges are 100% identical in all respects (electrical connections, mechanical dimensions, ink content etc. etc.) - except the model number.

And of course, that means that some printers only accept the 304 type, and some only the 305 type. Guess who bought the wrong kind? 🤬

Fuck HP. I am very tempted to trace out the I2C connection between printer and cartridge, and patch in an uC to overwrite the model number. 😑


@katzenschiff Yep, hätte natürlich besser sein können, aber auch deutlich schlimmer. Außerdem: 84% Wahlbeteiligung ist solide.


@tamara Did this as well recently, but I got about 20% of books as AZW4, which apparently can't be de-DRMed as easily... no such issues in your case?


This is very accurate. (Even after 4+ years of learning Danish 🇩🇰 😅)


@randahl tbh, Surströmming does count as a WMD 😵‍💫


@paulehoffman @bagder Maybe not so impossible after all, on Linux at least: you could look at /proc/self/fd/1 (I think) and then figure out the connected process.
