@dev @regehr I've been genuinely wondering if you need... substances... to truly appreciate it 🤭
@dev @regehr tbh, my only David Lynch experience was Mulholland Drive, and I was SO confused afterwards 😵💫
P.S. I guess from an MBA viewpoint, it kinda makes a perverted sort of sense: obviously, the point of energy transport is not to make energy available in a different place, but to get someone to pay for it. And if that can be done with Bitcoin, well... 🤷
Ok, at this point I'm slightly embarrassed that I worked at Siemens once.
Bitcoin as... energy _transport_? What the actual 🦆? The second law of thermodynamics would like a word. 😑
(not to mention the AI slop illustrations in the article, wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing is just some LLM fabulation)
@RueNahcMohr That's brilliant, thanks, didn't know that one before 👍
Rats, anyone has an idea how to identify this connector? 8 pins, 1.27 mm pitch, locking tab, and two symmetric key notches. I tried Google Image Search, but that failed completely.
To be specific, I don't actually need the connector, but rather the corresponding plug - if all else fails, I might just try to 3D print something, but at this scale, I'm not sure how promising that would be...
@elm 100% agreed 👍
I severely doubt that a noticeable number of these "LLM + x" papers will still have any impact in 5 years.
Also, I found it appalling how many of them just use the OpenAI API, knowing that it's a complete blackbox and the model, weights, prompt preprocessing etc. etc. could just change behind the scenes without anyone noticing. Reproducibility 0/10. 😑
@nbhansen Woot, congrats! Off to Tokyo with you 😉
@ORCID_Org This is absolutely great, but I do hope that people in STEM will also make use of these features, especially regarding teaching materials 🤞
Today in "is this art, or can we clean it up": decorated dog poop 🤔
Ah whoops, seems like Starship on IFT-7 didn't make it. But given that this was the first Block 2 model to attempt flight, not actually a big surprise. Gonna be interesting if they will still try for a full orbit on IFT-8.
@AuntyRed Good question! And no, my fellow computer scientists, your hand-rolled Emacs config doesn't count 😉
@neatchee I'm in this post and I don't like it 😑
Somewhere in the dregs of my MP3 collection, I found a couple of tracks from a band called "Umbra et Imago". I apologize if there's any fans around, but they absolutely sound like Rammstein ordered from Wish 🤪
@LenaOetzel @academicchatter Amtsdeutsch. So beautiful 🥹
@Koefoed Har du prøvet at sætte den ind i eddikesyre over natten?
@AndyDeardentsa I think that could be done with Hugin and align_image_stack: https://hugin.sourceforge.io/docs/manual/Align_image_stack.html
@GyrosGeier @pallenberg LOL, stimmt, noch so ein schönes bayrisches Gemauschel, hatte ich schon ganz vergessen 🤭
@pallenberg Ach ja, meine alma mater. 😑 Ich erinnere daran, dass der letzte Präsident, Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann, trotz rechtskräftiger Verurteilung wegen Steuerhinterziehung für eine zweite Amtszeit gewählt wurde. 🤷 Business as usual in Bayern.