


"Blue Herons Publishing" has been spamming me with their CfPs, here are a few gems:

- "Assessment of Gardunia Factor in Recommender Systems and Women STEM Fields" (??)
- "New Priority in Computing Systems and Evaluation Tools: Lines of Action for Artificial Intelligence Use and Elimination of Autocratic Elements in Ethics and STREAM" (??!?)
- "Quantum Computing Applied to Human-Robot Interaction" (??!!??!)

Complete word salad, these HAVE to be generated by some Markov chain. πŸ™„


@rooster Extremely Shadowrun vibes πŸ‘Œ


Booo, seems like Amazon recently started blocking very old Kindle software installs (v1.17 to at least v1.26) which were useful for removing DRM from my ebooks. Anyone knows a workaround/alternative method?


@infinimatt @johl Missed rickroll opportunity right there πŸ˜‰


@johl I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'd really like to live in less interesting times for a change πŸ˜‘


There's a dumpster for electronics waste near our place, and here's a (probably incomplete) list of working things that I pulled from there:

- an official Raspberry Pi keyboard
- a gaming macropad
- 3 different Bluetooth speakers
- 2 kitchen scales
- a milk frother in unopened original packaging (!)
- full-blown bean-to-cup espresso machine, 800 € new (!!)
- a 720p projector (pending)

Some of them needed a bit of cleaning or a replacement part, but it's pretty amazing what people throw out 😜


I can relate to this sign. 🀀πŸ₯΄


Seriously, folks: if I had a choice between Trump and a dead house plant, I'd still vote for the plant 🀷


@rooster This sounds _exactly_ like the Silmarillion. Couldn't finish reading, kept falling asleep 😴


Little Bobby Tables is all grown up now and has changed his name to Robert IgnoreAllPreviousInstructions.

Input sanitization, so important 😈


@jacomyma Common problem with DLP projectors - can often be fixed if you manually set a longer exposure time, minimum 15-20 ms.


@azonenberg Awesome, many thanks for your hints! I'll see how far I can get with what I have at hand πŸ‘ (the kind of microscopic solder work you describe here is probably way outside of what I can reasonably do, but you never know, it's not like I can fuck it up much further 😜)


@azonenberg @GyrosGeier @TT_392 That's actually an easy one, thanks, will try that as well πŸ‘


@azonenberg @GyrosGeier @TT_392 Interesting, how would you make sure the copper foil has proper contact to the via (if you have no other test point)? Can you get copper foil with conductive glue?


@azonenberg @GyrosGeier @TT_392 Sorry about the picture quality, I don't have a proper microscope πŸ˜“

If you squint, you can just about make out the microvia in pad 4 in the first picture, towards the lower left. I verified the others, yes.

Good point about soldering live connections, but I had no way of finding the correct connector. And the board did power up again, it just doesn't detect the battery and therefore won't charge it on its own.


@azonenberg @GyrosGeier @TT_392 After some more thinking, I can only conclude that the most likely problem is with connection 4 (yellow wire). The pad for 3 was still intact, so unlikely to be an issue. The pads for 5 and 6 did not have any surface traces, so they can only have been connected through the microvias, and I do have a correct connection at each test point. That leaves only 4, which has a surface trace _and_ a microvia, so I probably need to connect those together again...?


@azonenberg @GyrosGeier I've already tried to fix this with a bunch of extremely ugly bodge wires (as also suggested by @TT_392 ). Unfortunately, the battery is still not recognized.


@azonenberg @GyrosGeier Fixing VCC and GND was easy; for the other signals, I've measured the intact board and found the following connections (very small labels 3-6 in white):


@azonenberg @GyrosGeier Thanks, here's a few more details.

It's a commercial board, at least 4 layers (probably more), but I do have a second intact one.

Here's the damaged area right after the accident - it's a battery connector with 8 leads, from left to right: VCC VCC ? ? ? ? GND GND (two grounds went to the big pad on the right).